Saturday, March 3, 2012

TED talk

Tania Hinojosa
Carolina Montes
Verónica Occelli
Alejandra Salazar

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on
  1. What is the purpose of this media/information resource?
The purpose of this  video is to effectively spread ideas. The TED video by the TED speaker ,Sir Ken Robinson, is to inform that creativity is as important as the literacy skills we inculcate in our students. Sir Ken Robinson states that educational systems have not helped foster talents, but mainly, they have killed creativity in our students. He communicates to us the importance of applying a more diverse, dynamic, and a distinct way of thinking.
  1. How is this produced?
Sir Ken Robinson was a TED speaker and his presentation was produced as a video podcast. He presented his 18 minute lecture to an audience with high expectations.
He talked about the information he has from his own experience and how he sought information everywhere to arrive to this conclusion.
This video is translated into different languages.
  1. Who created it?

Sir Ken Robinson is a TED speaker and his presentation took place in Feb 2006, in Monterrey, California. His video was released in June 2006 and it has been distributed widely around the Web since then.
  1. Who is the intended audience? How do you know?
This is a TED presentation given to a TED audience with high expectations. We can assume that the audience includes educators and professionals interested in education, he mentions them during his conference and refers to them as such. Also, it is intended to communicate the message globally because it has been uploaded into several sources.

      5. What is the main message?
The main message is to encourage and foster creativity in our schools. He states that creativity is as important as the literacy skills we teach. He mentions that children are born with tremendous talents and abilities, and that it is our duty as teachers to educate the whole being and to help them make something out of their lives. Our job as educators is to help students find their own talent.

      6. Who benefits and what do they gain?
The students benefit because they will learn to become happy self realized human beings by discovering their talents and potential.  By doing this, we could have more happy people doing what they like,  and more people fulfilling their passion.

      7. What would have been my information needs that would have led me to this video?
First, we would have been concerned about what is going on in schools regarding creativity. We would have needed to know the importance of creativity and creative thinking skills in child development. We would have reviewed the arts program in different schools and the different approaches to implement differentiation and multiple intelligences in the classroom.

      8. How would I understand, organize and assess the information found?

First we understood what the objective was and then we found specific information.  We synthesize our information and we evaluated it.

Based on our personal experience as teachers we started from a specific situation and planned according to the Big6 theory.

      9. Identify and explain the Big6 steps you're applying in this activity.

define the task.- We understood what we had to do first. See the video and answer the questions.

information seeking strategies.-  We decided to see the video, to look for pages to inform us about the TED conferences, and to find more videos on Sir Ken Robinson on the Web. We looked for more information on creativity, today´s educational settings, and critical thinking skills.

location and access.- We read the information found on our theme. We located the video and accessed the link. We went to the page that gives the speakers´biography and we went  to the page about TED conferences.

use of information.- We decided on the pages that worked for us. We used the information to answer the questions. We answered the questionnaire.

evaluate.- After watching this video, we were able to judge the message and we will evaluate it according to our opinion. We answered this questionnaire to evaluate the video and our Big 6 information literacy skills.

We believe that in the end Sir Ken Robinson communicated effectively his message and now we know why creativity and critical thinking skills must be fostered and encouraged in school settings!

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